Mac 版 Skype for business 的基础结构要求 Infrastructure requirements for Skype for Business on Mac Skype for Business Server 2019 不支持这些客户端。 These clients are not supported by Skype for Business Server 2019.
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Microsoft Communicator for Mac 2011 (请参阅Communicator For mac 2011 部署指南) Microsoft Communicator for Mac 2011 (see Communicator for Mac 2011 Deployment Guide) Microsoft Lync for Mac 2011 (请参阅Lync For mac 2011 部署指南) Microsoft Lync for Mac 2011 (see Lync for Mac 2011 Deployment Guide) 有关支持的功能的详细信息,请参阅适用于 Skype For business 的桌面客户端功能比较。 For details about supported features, see Desktop client feature comparison for Skype for Business.
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Skype for Business Server 2015 还支持运行 Mac OS 10.5.8 的计算机上的以下旧客户端,或最新的 service pack 或 release (基于 Intel 的)操作系统(当前不支持 Mac OS 10.9 操作系统)。 Skype for Business Server 2015 also supports the following legacy clients on computers that are running Mac OS 10.5.8 or latest service pack or release (Intel-based) operating systems (Mac OS 10.9 operating system is not currently supported). 请参阅系统要求以了解所需的最低硬件。 Refer to the System requirements for the minimum hardware required. 此列表是初步的,有些设备可能符合 Lync 的要求,但在 Mac 上的 Skype for Business 中不受支持。 This list is preliminary and some devices may be qualified for Lync, but not supported on Skype for Business on the Mac. 外部设备必须位于Skype For Business 解决方案目录中。 External devices must be in the Skype for Business Solutions Catalog. 我们支持使用所有内置的音频和视频设备。 We support the use of all built-in audio and video devices.
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Mac 客户端上的 Skype for Business 需要 Mac OS X El Capitan 和更高版本,并且至少使用 100 MB 的磁盘空间。 The Skype for Business on Mac client requires Mac OS X El Capitan and higher, and uses at least 100MB of disk space. Mac 上 Skype for business 的硬件和软件要求 Hardware and software requirements for Skype for Business on Mac Mac 客户端上的 Skype For business可供下载。 The Skype for Business on Mac Client is available for download. 阅读本主题,了解在 Mac 上运行 Skype for Business 所需的硬件、软件和基础结构要求。 Read this topic to learn about hardware, software, and infrastructure requirements for running Skype for Business on a Mac.

Office applications available for a Mac are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote. Office Home & Business 2019 or Office Home & Student 2019 are also available for Mac as a one-time purchase. You can purchase Office 365 subscriptions for both Mac and Windows. You can either select Office 365 Mac, which is a cloud-based subscription service with many collaborative features, or Mac Office 2019, which is a one-time purchase geared more towards personal and small businesses use. You have choices when it comes to choosing Microsoft Office for Mac.

You’ll have Office applications on your Mac or PC, apps on tablets and smartphones for when you're on the go, and Office Online on the web for everywhere in between.->

Office 365 customers get the new Office for Mac first. However, Skype for Business on Mac users can communicate with Skype users if they know the Skype user's Microsoft account. Skype for Business on Mac users can't search the Skype directory, although you've enabled this functionality for your organization. Recommend that you reinstall Skype for Business on Mac. 解决 Skype for Business Online 中 Lync for Mac 2011 的登录问题 2 适用于: Skype for Business Online 本文内容 简介 本文包含有关如何对 Skype for Business Online (以前称为 Lync Online)中的 Lync for Mac 问题进行故障排除的信息。.